Kopy and Sons Landscaping
1018 Ansin St.. Punta Gorda, FL 33950
(941) 404-KOPY (5679)
Mon-Sat: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
23 Sep 2017

How bad are gas lawn mowers for the enviroment?






Did you know that the typical residential lawn mower that you walk behind has an average engine size of 3.5 hp? The EPA puts the emissions of this size lawn mower equal to driving eleven (11) cars at 55 mph for the one hour it generally takes the typical homeowner to “walk/mow” their property. Did you know the average size engine that is in commercial sized lawn mowers is 24 hp with several at 36hp! That’s equivalent to over eighty-eighty (88) cars doing 55 mph for the same amount of time it takes them to cut your grass! The EPA says gas powered lawn and garden equipment contributes to over 10% of the total pollution in the United States, with the State of Florida being the highest in all recorded categories!

Do your part today to help clean up our air by using our 100% lithium ion battery operated commercial lawn service! Now accepting new customers in the Charlotte County area of South Florida. Call (941) 404-KOPY today to schedule an appointment for a free estimate. Kopy and Sons Landscaping LLC is a full service landscaping business specializing in 100% electric lawn care. Give us a call today to handle any of your landscaping needs!

20 Oct 2015

Job: Fulltime (+40 hours per week) Landscapers

"Jobs Help Wanted" by Innov8social is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Jobs Help Wanted” by Innov8social is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Are you a top producer who is looking to show your landscaping skills to us and be fairly rewarded? Are you able to manage job sites and read landscape drawings? At Kopy And Sons Landscaping we offerFull Time, Year Round employment, Excellent work environment, Competitive wages

We currently have openings for top performing leaders who will lead a crew of 2-3 people, doing all aspects of lawn maintenance. As well as entry level positions. No experience? We will train the right candidates!!! We offer year round employment to our key players, plus competitive wages and OT over 8hrs/day, based on an average of over 40+hrs/week (at 1.5x hourly paid).

20 Oct 2015
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Ask Jennifer: Your Gardening Questions Answered

I would like to grow some “barometer plants” to use as an early warning system for my garden. What plants are first to respond to frost, first to bolt and first to wilt? Is this a waste of time? It’s not a waste of time, but I’m not sure you’d have to invest in any particular variety. I would use half-hardy annuals that are sensitive to frost, such as cosmos lobelia


16 Oct 2015
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10 Ideas for Landscaping Property Lines

What is it that you’re hoping to accomplish in landscaping your property line? Once you answer that over-arching question, many of the details will fall into place (with a little aid from the ideas I present here). As you’ll see from reading the information below, deciding on how to landscape a boundary largely comes down to sifting through your various options.


15 Oct 2015
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What You Can Grow In Shady Spaces

All shade is not equal. Some shady conditions will yield much more produce than others will, while some areas are better left for hostas and moss. Gardeners should be familiar with the different types of shade, but should also keep in mind that measuring how much shade your garden gets isn’t always easy.